It snowed today, oddly enough. It's too early for the Boston area to get snow that sticks. But there it is.
I decided to make some beads today, inspired by this freak snowstorm. To do this, I needed snow, and what better snow than frit (tiny crushed glass)? I made a frit crusher a while ago, but never used it until today. It's just a couple of pipe parts working like a mortar and pestle. It worked great, too! A little bit of white glass went a long way.
The Chicken Little moment: in the middle of my torching session, for some unknown reason, a couple of flattened boxes decided to fall down on the lampwork table. They fell right into my vases full of glass rods and could have caused quite a nasty accident. Fortunately, my hand holding the hot bead kept it steady in the flame while the other hand cleared up the mess. I'll be securing those boxes, now, though.
Many of my beads for sale have sold; I'll be putting more up shortly!